Package 'pcgen'

Title: Reconstruction of Causal Networks for Data with Random Genetic Effects
Description: Implements the pcgen algorithm, which is a modified version of the standard pc-algorithm, with specific conditional independence tests and modified orientation rules. pcgen extends the approach of Valente et al. (2010) <doi:10.1534/genetics.109.112979> with reconstruction of direct genetic effects.
Authors: Willem Kruijer, Pariya Behrouzi, Maria Xose Rodriguez-Alvarez
Maintainer: Pariya Behrouzi <[email protected]>
License: GPL-3
Version: 0.2.0
Built: 2025-02-28 05:04:02 UTC

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Check for consistency in genetic effects


Given output from pcgen or pcgenFast, this function checks whether the estimated graph is consistent with the set of traits having significant genetic variance. The function detects traits that have significant genetic variance but for which there is no partially directed path from G.


checkG(pcgen.output, suffStat, alpha = 0.01, covariates = NULL)



A graph with nodes G (genotype) and a number of traits. Typically output from pcgen or pcgenFast.


A data.frame, of which the first column is the factor G (genotype), and subsequent columns contain the traits, and optionally some QTLs. The name of the first column should be G.


The significance level used in each conditional independence test. Default is 0.01.


A data.frame containing covariates, to be used in each conditional independence test. Cannot contain factors. Should be either NULL (default) or a data.frame with the same number of rows as suffStat. An intercept is already included for each trait in suffStat; covariates should not contain a column of ones.


A logical matrix of dimension (p+1)×(p+1)(p+1) \times (p+1), pp being the number of traits. Most entries are FALSE, except those in the first row and column for which there are conflicts. Entries [1,j][1, j] and [j,1][j, 1] are TRUE if the jjth trait has significant genetic variance, but there is no partially directed path from G towards that trait. The matrix can then be used in a subsequent run of pcgen or pcgenFast, in the fixedEdges argument. The arguments suffStat, alpha and covariates should stay the same throughout (first run of pcgen, checkG, second run of pcgen).


Willem Kruijer and Pariya Behrouzi. Maintainers: Willem Kruijer [email protected] and Pariya Behrouzi [email protected]


Kruijer, W., Behrouzi, P., Rodriguez-Alvarez, M. X., Wit, E. C., Mahmoudi, S. M., Yandell, B., Van Eeuwijk, F., (2018, in preparation), Reconstruction of networks with direct and indirect genetic effects.

Estimate genetic covariances between all pairs of traits, and test their significance


For each pair of traits in suffStat, we fit a bivariate mixed model, and perform a likelihood ratio test for the null-hypothesis of zero genetic covariance.


gencovTest(suffStat, max.iter = 200, out.cor = TRUE)



A data.frame with (p + 1) columns, of which the first column is the factor G (genotype), and subsequent p columns contain traits. It should not contain covariates or QTLs.


Maximum number of iterations in the EM-algorithm, used to fit the bivariate mixed model



If TRUE, the output will contain estimates of genetic correlations; otherwise covariances. The pvalues are always for genetic covariance.


A list with elements pvalues and out.cor, which are both p x p matrices


Willem Kruijer and Pariya Behrouzi. Maintainers: Willem Kruijer [email protected] and Pariya Behrouzi [email protected]


Kruijer, W., Behrouzi, P., Rodriguez-Alvarez, M. X., Wit, E. C., Mahmoudi, S. M., Yandell, B., Van Eeuwijk, F., (2018, in preparation), Reconstruction of networks with direct and indirect genetic effects.


    test <- gencovTest(suffStat= simdata, max.iter = 200, out.cor= TRUE )

Residuals from the GBLUP


Residuals from the best linear unbiased predictor of the genetic effects (GBLUP), which is computed given REML-estimates of the variance components.


getResiduals(suffStat, covariates = NULL, cov.method = "uni", K = NULL)



A data.frame, of which the first column is the factor G (genotype), and subsequent columns contain the traits. The name of the first column should be G.


A data.frame containing covariates, that should always be used in each conditional independence test. Should be either NULL (default) or a data.frame with the same number of rows as suffStat. An intercept is already included for each trait in suffStat; covariates should not contain a column of ones.


(A string, specifying which method should be used to compute the GBLUP. Options are "us" (unstructured multi-trait model fitted using sommer) and "uni" (based on univariate GBLUPs). Default is "uni").


A genetic relatedness matrix. If NULL (default), independent genetic effects are assumed.


If cov.method = "uni", the GBLUP and the residuals are computed separately for each trait in suffStat. The covariance of each trait is then assumed to be

σG2ZKZt+σE2In\sigma_G^2 Z K Z^t + \sigma_E^2 I_n

where ZZ is a binary incidence matrix, assigning plants or plots to genotypes. ZZ is based on the first column in suffStat. If there is a single observation per genotype (typically a genotypic mean), ZZ is the identity matrix, and the relatedness matrix KK should be specified. If there are replicates for at least some of the genotypes, and no KK is provided, independent genetic effects are assumed (KK will be the identity matrix). It is also possible to have replicates and specify a non-diagonal KK. Whenever KK is specified, sommer (mmer2) will be used; otherwise lmer (lme4). The mmer2 is also used when cov.method = "us", in which case the multivariate GBLUP is computed, for all traits in suffStat simultaneously. This is only possible for a limited number of traits.


A data-frame with the residuals.


Willem Kruijer and Pariya Behrouzi. Maintainers: Willem Kruijer [email protected] and Pariya Behrouzi [email protected]


Covarrubias-Pazaran, G., 2016. Genome-assisted prediction of quantitative traits using the R package sommer. PloS one, 11(6), p.e0156744.


rs <- getResiduals(suffStat= simdata)

Causal inference with genetic effects


Reconstruction of directed networks with random genetic effects, based on phenotypic observations. The pcgen algorithm is a modification of the pc-stable algorithm of Colombo & Maathuis (2014) . It is assumed that there are replicates, and independent genetic effects.


pcgen(suffStat, covariates = NULL, QTLs = integer(), alpha = 0.01, m.max = Inf,
fixedEdges = NULL, fixedGaps = NULL, verbose = FALSE, use.res = FALSE, 
res.cor = NULL, max.iter = 50, stop.if.significant = TRUE, return.pvalues = FALSE)



A data.frame, of which the first column is the factor G (genotype), and subsequent columns contain the traits, and optionally some QTLs. The name of the first column should be G. Should not contain covariates.


A data.frame containing covariates, that should always be used in each conditional independence test Should be either NULL (default) or a data.frame with the same number of rows as suffStat. An intercept is already included for each trait in suffStat; covariates should not contain a column of ones.


Column numbers in suffStat that correspond to QTLs.


The significance level used in each conditional independence test. Default is 0.01


Maximum size of the conditioning sets


A logical matrix of dimension (p+1)×(p+1)(p+1) \times (p+1), where pp is the number of traits. The first row and column refer to the node G, and subsequent rows and columns to the traits. As in the pcalg package, the edge iji - j is never considered for removal if the entry [i,j][i, j] or [j,i][j, i] (or both) are TRUE. In that case, the edge is guaranteed to be present in the resulting graph.


A logical matrix of dimension (p+1)×(p+1)(p+1) \times (p+1), where pp is the number of traits. The first row and column refer to the node G, and subsequent rows and columns to the traits. As in the pcalg package, the edge iji - j is removed before starting the algorithm if the entry [i,j][i, j] or [j,i][j, i] (or both) are TRUE. In that case, the edge is guaranteed to be absent in the resulting graph.


If TRUE, p-values for the conditional independence tests are printed


If TRUE, the test for conditional independence of 2 traits given a set of other traits and GG is based on residuals from GBLUP. If FALSE (the default), it is based on bivariate mixed models.


If use.res = TRUE, res.cor should be the correlation matrix of the residuals from the GBLUP. These can be obtained with the getResiduals function. See the example below.


Maximum number of iterations in the EM-algorithm, used to fit the bivariate mixed model (when use.res = FALSE).


If TRUE, the EM-algorithm used in some of the conditional independence tests (when use.res = FALSE) will be stopped whenever the p-value becomes significant, i.e. below alpha. This will speed up calculations, and can be done because (1) the PC algorithm only needs an accept/reject decision (2) In EM the likelihood is nondecreasing. Should be put to FALSE if the precise p-values are of interest.


If TRUE, the maximal p-value for each edge is returned.


The pcgen function is based on the pc function from the pcalg package (Kalisch et al. (2012) and Hauser and Buhlmann (2012)).


If return.pvalues = FALSE, the output is a graph (an object with S3 class "pcgen"). If return.pvalues = TRUE, the output is a list with elements gr (the graph) and pMax (a matrix with the p-values).


Willem Kruijer and Pariya Behrouzi. Maintainers: Willem Kruijer [email protected] and Pariya Behrouzi [email protected]


1. Kruijer, W., Behrouzi, P., Rodriguez-Alvarez, M. X., Wit, E. C., Mahmoudi, S. M., Yandell, B., Van Eeuwijk, F., (2018, in preparation), Reconstruction of networks with direct and indirect genetic effects.
2. Colombo, D. and Maathuis, M.H., 2014. Order-independent constraint-based causal structure learning. The Journal of Machine Learning Research, 15(1), pp.3741-3782.
3. Kalisch, M., Machler, M., Colombo, D., Maathuis, M.H. and Buhlmann, P., 2012. Causal inference using graphical models with the R package pcalg. Journal of Statistical Software, 47(11), pp.1-26.
4. Hauser, A. and Buhlmann, P., 2012. Characterization and greedy learning of interventional Markov equivalence classes of directed acyclic graphs. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 13(Aug), pp.2409-2464.

See Also



out <- pcgen(simdata) 

rs <- getResiduals(suffStat = simdata)
pc.fit1 <- pcgen(suffStat = simdata, alpha = 0.01, verbose = TRUE, 
           use.res = TRUE, res.cor = cor(rs))

pcgen with residual-based screening


The pcgen algorithm starting with a skeleton estimated using the standard pc-algorithm, based on residuals from the GBLUP.


pcgenFast(suffStat, alpha = 0.01, m.max = Inf, res.m.max = Inf, verbose = FALSE, 
          covariates = NULL, fixedEdges = NULL, QTLs = integer(), max.iter = 50,
          stop.if.significant = TRUE, cov.method = 'uni', use.res = FALSE, 
          return.pvalues = FALSE)



A data.frame, of which the first column is the factor G (genotype), and subsequent columns contain the traits, and optionally some QTLs. The name of the first column should be G.


The significance level used in each conditional independence test. Default is 0.01.


Maximum size of the conditioning set, in the pcgen algorithm.


Maximum size of the conditioning set, in the pc-algorithm on the residuals (used for prior screening).


If TRUE, p-values for the conditional independence tests are printed.


A data.frame containing covariates, to be used in each conditional independence test. Cannot contain factors. Should be either NULL (default) or a data.frame with the same number of rows as suffStat. An intercept is already included for each trait in suffStat; covariates should not contain a column of ones.


A logical matrix of dimension (p+1)×(p+1)(p+1) \times (p+1), where pp is the number of traits. The first row and column refer to the node G, and subsequent rows and columns to the traits. As in the pcalg package, the edge iji - j is never considered for removal if the entry [i,j][i, j] or [j,i][j, i] (or both) are TRUE. In that case, the edge is guaranteed to be present in the resulting graph.


Column numbers in suffStat that correspond to QTLs.


Maximum number of iterations in the EM-algorithm, used to fit the bivariate mixed model (when use.res = FALSE).


If TRUE, the EM-algorithm used in some of the conditional independence tests (when use.res = FALSE) will be stopped whenever the p-value becomes significant, i.e. below alpha. This will speed up calculations, and can be done because (1) the PC algorithm only needs an accept/reject decision (2) In EM the likelihood is nondecreasing. Should be put to FALSE if the precise p-values are of interest.


A string, specifying which method should be used to compute the GBLUP. Options are 'us' (unstructured multi-trait model fitted using sommer) and 'uni' (based on univariate GBLUPs). Default is 'uni'.


If FALSE, residuals from GBLUP are only used for screening with the standard pc algotihm. After that, the standard pcgen algorithm is run on the remaining edges; the test for conditional independence of 2 traits given a set of other traits and G is based on bivariate mixed models. If TRUE, this test is based on the residuals. In this case, no further edges between traits are removed after screening and pcgen will only infer the orientation, and the direct genetic effects.


If TRUE, the maximal p-value for each edge is returned.


If return.pvalues = FALSE, the output is a graph (an object with S3 class "pcgen"). If return.pvalues = TRUE, the output is a list with elements gr (the graph) and pMax (a matrix with the p-values).


Willem Kruijer and Pariya Behrouzi. Maintainers: Willem Kruijer [email protected] and Pariya Behrouzi [email protected]


1. Kruijer, W., Behrouzi, P., Rodriguez-Alvarez, M. X., Wit, E. C., Mahmoudi, S. M., Yandell, B., Van Eeuwijk, F., (2018, in preparation), Reconstruction of networks with direct and indirect genetic effects.
2. Colombo, D. and Maathuis, M.H., 2014. Order-independent constraint-based causal structure learning. The Journal of Machine Learning Research, 15(1), pp.3741-3782.

See Also



out <- pcgenFast(suffStat = simdata, alpha = 0.01, verbose= FALSE, use.res = TRUE)

The conditional independence test in pcgen


This performs the conditional independence test used in the pcgen algorithm, assuming there are replicates, and independent genetic effects.


pcgenTest(x, y, S, suffStat, QTLs = integer(), covariates = NULL, alpha = 0.01, 
          max.iter = 50, stop.if.significant = TRUE, use.res = FALSE, res.cor = NULL)


x, y

Column numbers in suffStat that should be tested for conditional independence given the variables in S.


vector of integers defining the conditioning set, where the integers refer to column numbers in suffStat. May be numeric(), i.e. the empty set.


A data.frame, of which the first column is the factor G(genotype), and subsequent columns contain the traits, and optionally some QTLs. The name of the first column should be G. It should not contain covariates.


Column numbers in suffStat that correspond to QTLs. These may be partly in SS and xx and yy, but xx and yy cannot be both QTLs.


A data.frame containing covariates. It should be either NULL (default) or a data.frame with the same number of rows as suffStat. An intercept is already included for each trait in suffStat; covariates should not contain a column of ones.


The significance level used in the test. The test itself of course does not depend on this, but it is used in the EM-algorithm to speed up calculations. When stop.if.significant = TRUE, the EM-algorithm is stopped once the p-value is below the significance level. Default is 0.01.


Maximum number of iterations in the EM-algorithm, used to fit the bivariate mixed model (when use.res = FALSE).


If TRUE, the EM-algorithm used in some of the conditional independence tests (when use.res = FALSE) will be stopped whenever the p-value becomes significant, i.e. below alpha. This will speed up calculations, and can be done because (1) the PC algorithm only needs an accept/reject decision (2) In EM the likelihood is nondecreasing. It should be put to FALSE if the precise p-value is of interest.


If TRUE, the test for conditional independence of 2 traits given a set of other traits and G is based on residuals from GBLUP. If FALSE (the default), it is based on bivariate mixed models.


If use.res = TRUE, res.cor should be the correlation matrix of the residuals from the GBLUP. These can be obtained with the getResiduals function. See the example below.


pcgenTest tests for conditional independence between xx and yy given SS. It distinguishes 2 situations: (i) if one of xx and yy (say xx) is the factor G, pcgenTest will test if the genetic variance in yy is zero, given the traits in S. (ii) if xx and yy are both traits, pcgenTest tests if the residual covariance between them is zero, given the traits in SS and the factor G. The factor G is automatically included in the conditioning set SS (SS does not need to contain the integer 1). This test is either based on a bivariate mixed model (when use.res=FALSE), or on residuals from GBLUP (use.res=T), obtained with the getResiduals function. In the latter case, res.cor must be provided.


A p-value


Willem Kruijer and Pariya Behrouzi. Maintainers: Willem Kruijer [email protected] and Pariya Behrouzi [email protected]


Kruijer, W., Behrouzi, P., Rodriguez-Alvarez, M. X., Wit, E. C., Mahmoudi, S. M., Yandell, B., Van Eeuwijk, F., (2018, in preparation), Reconstruction of networks with direct and indirect genetic effects.

See Also



rs <- getResiduals(suffStat= simdata)
pcgenTest(suffStat= simdata, x= 2, y= 3, S= 4)
pcgenTest(suffStat= simdata, x= 2, y= 3, S= c(1,4))
pcgenTest(suffStat= simdata, x= 2, y= 3, S= 4, use.res= TRUE, res.cor= cor(rs))
pcgenTest(suffStat= simdata, x= 2, y= 1, S= 4)

The pc algorithm applied to residuals


The standard pc algorithm applied to GBLUP residuals, or to the GBLUP itself.


pcRes(suffStat, alpha= 0.01, K = NULL, m.max = Inf, verbose = FALSE,
  covariates = NULL, QTLs = integer(), cov.method = "uni",
  use.GBLUP = FALSE, return.pvalues = FALSE)



A data.frame, of which the first column is the factor G (genotype), and subsequent columns contain the traits, and optionally some QTLs. The name of the first column should be G.


The significance level used in the test. Default is 0.01.


A genetic relatedness matrix. If NULL (the default), independent genetic effects are assumed.


Maximum size of the conditioning set, in the pc-algorithm on the residuals.


If TRUE, p-values for the conditional independence tests are printed.


A data.frame containing covariates, that should always be used in each conditional independence test. Should be either NULL (default) or a data.frame with the same number of rows as suffStat. An intercept is already included for each trait in suffStat; covariates should not contain a column of ones.


Column numbers in suffStat that correspond to QTLs.


A string, specifying which method should be used to compute the GBLUP. Options are 'us' (unstructured multi-trait model fitted using sommer) and 'uni' (based on univariate GBLUPs).


Use the GBLUP itself, instead of the residuals


If TRUE, the maximal p-value for each edge is returned.


If use.GBLUP = FALSE, GBLUP residuals are used as input for the pc-stable algorithm of Colombo and Maathuis (2014). This closely resembles the residual networks of Valente et al., (2010) and Topner et al., (2017) (who used different ways to predict the genetic effects, and applied other causal inference algorithms to the residuals). When use.GBLUP = TRUE, pc-stable is applied to the GBLUP itself, which resembles the genomic networks of Topner et al., (2017). If cov.method = "uni", the GBLUP and the residuals are computed separately for each trait in suffStat. The covariance of each trait is assumed to be

σG2ZKZt+σE2In\sigma_G^2 Z K Z^t + \sigma_E^2 I_n

where ZZ is a binary incidence matrix, assigning plants or plots to genotypes. ZZ is based on the first column in suffStat. If there is a single observation per genotype (typically a genotypic mean), ZZ is the identity matrix, and the relatedness matrix KK should be specified. If there are replicates for at least some of the genotypes, and no KK is provided, independent genetic effects are assumed (KK will be the identity matrix). It is also possible to have replicates and specify a non-diagonal KK. Whenever KK is specified, sommer (mmer2) will be used; otherwise lmer (lme4). mmer2 is also used when cov.method = "us", in which case the multivariate GBLUP is computed, for all traits in suffStat simultaneously. This is only possible for a limited number of traits.


If return.pvalues = FALSE, the output is a graph (an object with S3 class "pcgen"). If return.pvalues = TRUE, the output is a list with elements gr (the graph) and pMax (a matrix with the p-values).


Willem Kruijer and Pariya Behrouzi. Maintainers: Willem Kruijer [email protected] and Pariya Behrouzi [email protected]


1. Colombo, D. and Maathuis, M.H., 2014. Order-independent constraint-based causal structure learning. The Journal of Machine Learning Research, 15(1), pp.3741-3782.
2. Kruijer, W., Behrouzi, P., Rodriguez-Alvarez, M. X., Wit, E. C., Mahmoudi, S. M., Yandell, B., Van Eeuwijk, F., (2018, in preparation), Reconstruction of networks with direct and indirect genetic effects.
3. Topner, K., Rosa, G.J., Gianola, D. and Schon, C.C., 2017. Bayesian Networks Illustrate Genomic and Residual Trait Connections in Maize (Zea mays L.). G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics, pp.g3-117.
4. Valente, B.D., Rosa, G.J., Gustavo, A., Gianola, D. and Silva, M.A., 2010. Searching for recursive causal structures in multivariate quantitative genetics mixed models. Genetics.


out <- pcRes(suffStat = simdata, alpha = 0.01, verbose= FALSE)

Simulated data


Simulated data, for two replicates of genotypes g1,...,g200. Three traits were simulated (Y1, Y2 and Y3), using a structural equation model defined by Y1 -> Y2 -> Y3, and direct genetic effects on Y1 and Y3.




A data frame of dimension 4×4004 \times 400. The first column is the factor G (genotype); the subsequent columns contain y1,y2y_1, y_2 and y3y_3.


out <- pcgen(simdata)
out2 <- pcRes(suffStat = simdata, alpha = 0.01, verbose= FALSE)